All Categories
Via ACS COURIER (Greece Only):
If you choose “ACS COURIER” as shipping method, you will receive your order within 1-3 working days to the address you have provided (excluding remote areas according to ACS COURIER). All orders entered by 14:00 will be processed on the same business day. All the orders will be sent at no charge.
Remote areas as shown in the site of ACS COURIER ( are excluded from the above offer. In case you are in a remote area, then your order will be sent to the nearest branch of ACS COURIER (central and not hard to access) and then you can collect it from there.
Via Greek Postal Office (Globaly):
If you choose “Greek Postal Office” as shipping method, you will receive your order within 10 working days to the address you have provided. All orders entered by 14:00 (EST +2:00) will be processed on the same business day. The postage cost of every single order is automaticaly calculated, depending on the selected Country of destination.
Pickup from One Of “KATRAOURAS FOTIOS & Co” Stores:
You can pick up your order from the nearest branch of our company to you, at no charge.